I've shown a goodly amount of paintings and sketches from the time period with shoes and chopines. If you find that
you have one that will fit, do let me know!
Engraving of a Venetian Courtesan, by Pietro Bertelli. Apparently, this was a postcard of sorts, with a flap which could be lowered, showing the lady with her skirt on, and when raised, in breeches and zoccoli. Once can also see what seem to be shoes either attached to, or slid into the zoccoli that she is wearing.
Venetian courtesan
Pietro Bertelli
"Diversarum Nationum Habitus"
V&A Museum, London

A painting of Cleopatra by Bordone, showing some lovely white and red chopines, while she sits in a rather enticing pose. I first noticed this particular painting on Elizabeth Bernhardt's site (see the Links section).
Bordone, Paris
c. 1550
Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

A great little sketch - this lady is bleaching her hair outdoors (in her underwear! =) The chopines are on the far right bottom, and they're quite well sized. She seems to be wearing shoes, which she would likely slip into her zoccoli.
Vecellio, Cesare
Venetian woman bleaching her hair in the sun on a rooftop gallery.
Habiti antichi, et moderni di tutto il Mondo

Detail of a very famous painting by Carpaccio, one notices the two zoccoli next to each other on the far left side of the painting.
Carpaccio, Vittore
Two Venetian Ladies
c. 1510
Museo Correr, Venice

Another sketch by Vecellio showing off a pair of high zoccoli. These ones are wide based and have a thin center.
Vecellio, Cesare
Venetian brothel prostitute.
Habiti antichi, et moderni di tutto il Mondo

A watercolor showing the Spanish style of Zoccoli, one that is more conical and much less intricately carved, although no less intricately ornamented.
Spanish Ladies
c 1540
Museo Stibbert, Florence

An amusing image showing a lady on chopines in the Spanish style, being ably assisted by two stalwart
Vermeyen, Jan Cornelisz
from The Army Re-embarking at La Goleta, cartoon for tapestry XII in the Conquest of Tunis series.
Wien. Kunsthistorisches Museum

Another image of a lady being helped along by a lord, and her train carried by two other servants, also in chopines.
Weiditz, Christopher
Lady and Escort Walking
Das Trachtenbauch f71-72

A detail of a lovely engraving of two chopines that seem to be in the Spanish style. Note the lacing in the split vamp comes out of a second set of eyelets, and the ornamented work around the sides.
Vermeyen, Jan Cornelisz
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

A detail a pair of Spanish chopines, seemingly laced in one of the double-laced fashion described in the techniques section. There also do seem to be three laces coming out of the side.
De Burgunya, Joan
c. 1520
Gerona, Church of San Felix, Sala de Museo
B&W Scan from Anderson

A painting of a beautifully ornate chopine, decorated with gems and pearls.
From figure of Salome in The Beheading of St. John the Baptist
ca. 1500
Madrid, Museo del Prado
B&W Scan from Anderson

Shows a lovely pair of ornate high pantofles, and piled amongst Susanna's hosen are two cute little brown shoes.
Lotto, Lorenzo
Susanna and the Elders
Oil on wood, 50 x 60 cm
Contini Bonacossi Collection, Florence

These pantofles have a different style vamp, a split variety. This may be to give contrast to the shoe or hose underneath, but note that no shoes are seen here. It's likely used in this context to denote a certain libertine nature to Potiphar's lovely wife, as if the bare knee and shapely calf wasn't enough of a clue-in. =)
Joseph and Potiphar's Wife
Oil on canvas
Galleria Borghese, Rome

A sketch by Vecellio showing off a lady's pantofles. It's difficult to see if she's actually wearing shoes with them.
Vecellio, Cesare
Winter dress of Venetian women at home and outdoors.
Habiti antichi, et moderni di tutto il Mondo

A fresco showing a poor woman getting a blessing while she wears a pair of clogs.
Lotto, Lorenzo
Blessings of St Bridget (detail)
Oratorio Suardi, Trescore

This is a detail from The Marriage of Giovanni Arnolfini and Giovanna Cenami, a very famous portrait. Initially, the eye goes directly to a pair of rough wooden pattens (no doubt for the man), but in the center, between the two of them, there is this little gem of a pair of covered slippers!
Van Eyck, Jan
The Marriage of Giovanni Arnolfini and Giovanna Cenami
Oil on Canvas
Nation Galler, London

A detail along with the original showing a lady with gilded and lettered surround on her pantofles. The vamp on the pantofles seem to be buckled.
Bermejo, Bertolome
Boston, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
B&W Scan from Anderson
A detail of a painting by Zucchi, showing Bathsheba and others bathing. These pantofles seem to be carved out of wood, but no evidence of any kind of covering can be seen. It is possible that the vamp may simply have been nailed to the wood itself, but that seems unlikely considering the detail on the vamp.
Zucchi, Jacopo
The Toilet of Bathsheba
after 1573
Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, Rome

These lovely white pantofles are shown worn with shoes, which also have ornate cut work.
Giorgio Vasari and Giovanni Stradano
The Arrival of Leo X in Florence
Palazzo Vecchio, Florence

Even peasant women in Venice were able to wear some small pantofles, or so Vecellio tells us. This lady is wearing shoes in her pantofles, and this pair is very similar to those that are housed in the MFA. Her outfit seems a bit exaggerated, as if she was trying to go for that noble look, but just can't quite pull it off.
Vecellio, Cesare
Peasant woman from outskirts of Venice as seen in town on Ascension Day.
Habiti antichi, et moderni di tutto il Mondo

We see a pair of pantofles by the side of the bed. Additionally, it seems "...that the elegant ladies who have come to visit have higher slippers, while those of St. Anne at the side of the bed are just slightly raised, and those of the servant completely flat." (Niccoli 144) It's difficult to see from the resolution of this painting, so I will have to take Moda's word for it.
Del Sarto, Andrea
Birth of the Virgin
SS. Annuziata, Florence

A detail of a painting showing a knight wearing thin buskins along with pantofles. These pantofles seem to have a split vamp which is kept closed with a lace. Likewise, the buskin opening is closed up with a ribbon.
Attributed to Christovao de Figueiredo
Lisboa, Museo Nacional de Arte Antiga
B&W Scan from Anderson

A detail along with the original of a server, or possibly a cupbearer, wearing pantofles. Notice that he is not wearing any shoes with his pantofles, just hosen.
The Master of the Retable of the Reyes Catolicos
Washington, D.C. National Gallery of Art
B&W Scan from Anderson

Embroidery on a cushion showing several men wearing pantoufles. It seems fairly clear that they are wearing shoes in their pantoufles as well.
The Judgement of Solomon
Embroidered long cushion
The National Trust, Hardwick Hall
B&W Scan from Ashelford

Even the grand Duke of Tuscany wore mules over his buskins (or perhaps hose). In Tuscany, Florence, and elsewhere, high nobility and men of education (doctors, lawyers, etc.) are often shown wearing mules.
Vecellio, Cesare
Grand Duke of Tuscany.
Habiti antichi, et moderni di tutto il Mondo

A detail of a portrait of Bullein, showing him porting pantofles or mules. Note that Bullein was a doctor and wore the clothes of the profession, presumably including these mules.
Bullein, William
'Bullein's Bulwarke of defence againste all sickness'
Courtesy Trustees of the British Museum
B&W Scan from Ashelford

A German woodcut showing a cordwainer's workshop, with several pairs of shoes and pantofles hanging on the rack.
Jost Amman and Hans Sachs
Woodcut from "Eygentliche Beschreibung Aller Stande auff Erden
Private collection
B&W Scan from Arnold

A lord wearing pantofles over which seem to be buskins of some kind, as they aren't as tight fitted as hosen normally are.
David, Gerard
The Judgment of Cambyses (left panel)
Groeninge Museum, Bruges

Two for the price of one! The lord at the front is wearing pantofles over his buskins, and there is a pair of mules or pantofles under the ladder in the background.
MASTER of the St. Bartholomew Altar
The Descent from the Cross
Musee du Louvre, Paris

A detail showing a woman wearing some mules along with her shoes. Just like pattens, they might have been used to keep one's feet out of the mud and dirt.
Toree, Alfonso de la
Detail of the figure of Arithmetic in Vision delectable fol12.
Paris Bibliotheque National.
B&W Scan from Anderson

A detail of St. Jerome in his study. His mules are slipped under the bench, just like a good saint should do. =)
Durer, Albrecht
St Jerome in his Study
National Gallery, London

An interpretation of the Annunciation. You can see Mary's mules right below her as she prays.
The Annunciation
Staatliche Museen, Berlin

A detail of a set of arched wedged shoes.
Memorial Brass to Mary Carewe
Hascombe Church, Devonshire
B&W Scan from Arnold

A detail of a set of wedged shoes, constructed either from cork or a stacked heel.
Rogers, Will
Queen Elizabeth I
British Museum, London
B&W Scan from Arnold

A detail of one of Queen Elizabeth's shoes, possibly with a stacked leather sole.
Artist Unknown
Queen Elizabeth I
c. 1599
National Trust, Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire
B&W Scan from Arnold
