This library is found at: http://gallica.bnf.fr/
To search their collection, click on "Recherche".
If you find something of interest, you can download the entire book as a single PDF file by
beginning to look at the book by clicking on the little book icon, and then clicking on "Téléchargement de l'ouvrage". Select "La 1ère page" (the first page) and "Jusqu'à la fin de l'ouvrage" (to the last page). Click on "Fichier PDF", and after a wait, you can download the book. Be aware that there are missing pages in most books; I don't know when they are going to go back
and fix them.
I have searched through some of their indices and collected pre-1650 items.
- General
- Dictionaries de Droit
- Dictionnaires de la Langue française
- Budé, Guillaume, Forensium verborum & loquendi generum quae sunt a Gulielmo Budaeo proprio commentario descripta, gallica de foro parisiensi sumpta interpretatio (1545)
- Despars, Jacques, Summula per alphabetum super plurimis remediis et ipsius ([1500])
- Estienne, Robert (1503?-1559), Dictionnaire francois-latin, autrement dict Les mots francois, avec les manieres duser diceulx, tournez en latin (1549)
- Estienne, Robert (1503?-1559), Dictionnaire francois-latin, contenant les motz & manieres de parler francois, tournez en latin (1539)
- Estienne, Robert (1503?-1559), [Les] mots francoys selon l'ordre des lettres, ainsi qu'il les faut escrire, tournez en latin pour les enfans (1567)
- Florio, John, [A] worlde of wordes (1598) (note: 1611 version on web at http://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/florio/.)
- Gesner, Conrad, Onomasticon propriorum nominum (1551)
- Henisch (Georg), Teütsche Sprach und Weißhei (1616)
- Hulsius, Levinus, Grammatica italica (1618)
- Laguna, Andrés de, Epitome omnium rerum et sententiarum (1554)
- Maaler, Josua, [Die] teütsch spraach dictionarium germanicolatinum novum (1561)
- Mellema, Elcie Édouard Léon, Dictionnaire ou Promptuaire françois-flameng (1602)
- Monet, Philibert, Invantaire des deus langues françoise et latine assorti des plus utiles curiositez de l'un et de l'autre idiome (1636)
- Munster, Sebastian, 'Arwk Dictionarium Chaldaicum (1527)
- Munster, Sebastian, 'Arwk hawrawt Dictionarium Hebraicum (1523)
- Nicot, Jean (1530?-1600?), Thresor de la langue francoise, tant ancienne que moderne (1606)
- Oudin, Antoine, Curiositez françoises (1640)
- Oudin, Antoine, Recherches italiennes et françoises ou Dictionnaire contenant outre les mots ordinaires, une quantité de proverbes & de phrases, pour l'intelligence de l'une & l'autre langue (1640)
- Oudin, Antoine, Thresor des trois langues espagnole, françoise, et italienne, auquel est contenue l'explication de toutes les trois, respectivement l'une par l'autre (1627)
- Jean Palsgrave is left out, presumably they think his book is a grammar; BNF has 2 copies of the 1852 transcription, here and here.
- Poisson, Robert, Alfabet nouveau de la vrée, & pure ortografe françoize, & modèle sus iselui, en forme de dixionére (1609)
- Dictionnaires de la Langue française -- Rimes
- Dictionnaires multilingues et en langues étrangères
- Colloquia
et dictionariolum septem linguarum, belgicae, anglicae, teutonicae, latinae,
italicae, hispanicae, gallicae (1589)
- Dictionaire,
colloques, ou dialogues en quatres langues, Flamen, François, Espaignol
et italien (1565)
- Dictionarium
latinogallicum (1570)
- Dictionarium
quatuor linguarum, Teutonicae, Gallicae, Latinae et Hispanica... (1556)
- Dictionarium
tetraglotton (1542)
- Dictionarium
tetraglotton (1562)
- Dictionnaire
françois-latin, auquel les mots françois, avec les manieres d'user
d'iceulx, sont tournez en latin (1564)
- Accademia della Crusca - Florence, Italie, Vocabolario
degli accademici della Crusca, in questa seconda impressione da' medesimi rineduto,
e ampliato, con aggiunta di molte veci autor del buon secolo, e buona quantità
di quelle dell'vso (1623)
- Cotgrave, Randle, [A]
dictionarie of the French and English tongues (1611) (another copy.)
(See also an online, searchable edition.)
- Davies, John (1570?-1644 ), Antiquae
linguae britannicae... et linguae latinae, dictionarium duplex (1632)
- Du Mayne, Guillaume, Habes
tandem graecarum literarum admirator, lexicon graecum (1523)
- Dupuys, Jacques, Dictionnaire
francois-latin auquel les mots françois, avec les manieres d'user d'iceulx,
sont tournez en latin (1573)
- Robert (1503?-1559), Dictionarium
seu Latinae linguae thesaurus.... (1536) - 2 volumes
- Hulsius, Levinus, Dictionaire
françois allemand & allemand françois (1602)
- Nicot, Jean (1530?-1600?), [Le]
grand dictionnaire françois-latin (1625)
- Poille, Guillaume, [Le]
grand dictionnaire françois-latin (1614)
- Suidas, [Lexicon
graecum] (1499)
- Valerius, Cornelius, Colloquia
cum dictionariolo sex linguarum, teutonicae, latinae, germanicae, gallicae,
hispanicae & italicae (1583)
- Valerius, Cornelius, Dictionarium
quatuor linguarum, teutonicae, latinae; Gallicae, & hispanicae (1556)
- Dictionnaires de Philosophie et de Théologie
- Dictionnaires de Sciences
- Histoire naturelle
- Médecine et pharmacie
- Arnaud de Villeneuve, Praxis medicinalis (1586)
- Dalechamps, Jacques, Chirurgie françoise (1570,1573)
- Dorn,Gérard, Dictionarium Theophrasti Paracelsi... (1584)
- Estienne, Henri (1528?-1598), Dictionarium medicum, vel, expositiones vocum medicinalium, ad verbum exerpte... (1564)
- Paracelse (1493-1541), Dictionarium Theophrasti Paracelsi (1575)
- Suggest a new book
There used to be a secondary search function which could search on language.
It doesn't hit all the English books, but here are the ones it did have:
Albin, Johann (15..-1620). [A] notable discourse, plainelye and truly
discussing, who are right ministers of the Catholike Church: written
against Calvine and his disciples (1567)
[A] manual, or meditation, and with most necessary prayers with a
morial of instructions right requisite ([1596?])
[A] short and an absolute order of confession most requiste of all
persons to be ouer looked before they confesse them ([1580?])
Certayne devout meditations very necessary for Christian men devoutly
to meditate upon morninge and eveninge, every day in the weeke
Pseaumes octantetrois de David, mis en rimes françoise (1551)
The Bible and Holy Scriptures conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament
[The] fourth part of The meditations of the passion & resurrection of
Christ our Saviour ([1599])
Tiborne the first of December 1581, observid and written by a
Catholique preist, wich was present thereat... ([1582?])
Allen, William (1532-1594). [A] treatise made in defense of the lauful
power and authoritie of priesthod to remitte sinnes: of the peoples
duetie for confession of their sinnes to Gods ministers: and of the
churches meaning concerning indulgences, commonly called the Popes
Pardons (1567)
Allen, William (1532-1594). [A] true report of the late apprehension
and imprisonnement of John Nicole minester, at Roan, and his
confession and answers made in the time of his durance there (1583)
Allen, William (1532-1594). An apologie and true declaration of the
institution and endevous of the two English colleges, the one in Rome,
the other now resident in Rhemes, against certaine sinister
information given up against the same (1581)
B., H. [A] consolatory letter to all the afflicted Catholikes in
England... ([1590?])
Bristow, Richard. A reply to fulke, in defense of M.D. Allens scroll of articles, and
booke of purgatorie (1580)
Bruno, Vincent J. [The] first part of the meditations of the passion,
& resurrection of Christh our sauior (1599)
Bruno, Vincent J. [The] second part of the meditations of the
passion, & resurrection of Christh our sauior, whith the figures and
propheties of the old Testament, et certaine documents gathered out of
every pointe of the gospell, collected out of the holy fathers and
other devout authours, by the rev. fa. Vincent Bruno of the societie
of Jesus, translated (as the first part also was) out of the last
Italian edition, more ample and perfect than the latin (1599)
Bruno, Vincenzo. [A] short treatise of the sacrement of penaunce (1597)
Bruno, Vincenzo. [The] third parte of the meditations of the passion &
resurrection of Christ our saviour ([1599])
Bucke, John. Instructions for the use of the beades, conteigning many
matters of meditacion or mentall prayer, with diverse good advises of
ghostly counsayle, where unto is added a figure or forme of the beades
portrued in a table, compiled by John Bucke for the benefice of
unlearned (1589)
Burne, Nicol. [The] disputation concerning the controversit headdis of
religion, haldin in the realme of Scotland, in the zeir of God ane
thousand, vuye hundreth fourscoir zeiris... (1581)
Calvin, Jean. Sermons of M. John Calvine upon the epistle of saincte
Paule to the Galathians (1574)
Campion, Edmund J. Rationes decem: quibus fretus,certamen adversayiis
abtulit in causa fidei... ([1581?])
Cecil, John. [A] discovery of the errors committed and injuryes don to
his MA. of Scotlande and nobilitye of the same realme and John Cecyll,
pryest and D. off divinity, by a malitious mythologo titled an
apologie, and compiled by William Criton, priest and professed
Jesuite, whose habite and behavioure, whose cote and conditions, are
as futable, as Esav his handes, and Jacob hid voice ([1599?])
Cox, Leonard. [The] arte or crafte rhetoryke (1532)
Day, Angel. [The] english secretary or Methode of writing of epistles
and letters (1599)
Dorman, Thomas. [A] request to M. Jewel, that he kepe his promise,
made by solemne protestation in his late sermon at Pauls Crosse the 15
of June, 1567 (1567)
English College of Rhemes. [The] New Testament of Jesus Christ,
translated faithfully into English, out of the authentical Latin,
according to the best corrected copies of the same... with arguments
of bookes and chapers, annotations, and other necessarie
helpes... (1582)
Estella, Diego. [The] contempt of the world and the vanitie thereof
France. [An] edict or ordonnance of the French King conteining a
prohibition... of any other religion, then of the catholique... an
other edict, removing all protestants from bearing any
office... (1568)
Fraunce, Abraham. [The] Arcadian rhetorike or The praecepts of
rhetorike made plaine by examples, greeke, latin, english, italian,
french, spanish out of (1588)
Garnet, Henry. [A] treatrise of Christian renunciation... ([1593?])
Hamilton, John (15..-1609?) (théologien anti-protestant). Ane Catholik
and facile traictise, drauin out of the halie scriptures, treulie
exponit be the ancient doctores, to confirme the real and corporell
praesence of Chrystis pretious bodie and blude in the sacrament of the
alter... (1581)
Harding, Thomas. [A] reioindre to M. Iewels replie against the
sacrifice of the masse... (1580)
Hay, John (1546-1607). Certaine demandes concerning the Christian
religion and discipline, proponed to the ministers of the new
pretending kirk of Scotland be Iohne Hay ane clerk of the societie of
Jesus (1580)
Hemmingsen, Niels. [The] preacher, or Methode of preaching (1574)
Hide, Thomas. [A] consolatorie epistle to the afflicted catholikes
Hozjusz, Stanisaw. Of the expresse worde of gode... (1567)
I. B. (15..-16..) (actif en 1598). [A] treatise with a kalendar, and
the proofesthereof, concerning the holy-daies in England ([1598])
Lanspergius, Joannes Justus. [An] epistle or exhortation of Jesus
Christ to the soule... ([1592?])
Ledesma, Diego de. [The] Christian doctrine in manner of a dialogue
between the master and the disciple (1597)
Leslie, John. [A] treatrise of treasons against Q. Elizabeth, and the
croune of England... (1572)
Loarte, Gaspar (S.J.). [The] exercice of a Christian life ([1581?])
Louis de Grenade (dominicain). [A] memoriall of a christian life
Louis de Grenade (dominicain). [A] spirituall doctrine, conteining a
rule to live wel, with divers paiers and meditations (1599)
Louis de Grenade (dominicain). Of prayer, and meditation (1582)
Martial, John. [A] replie to M. Calfhills blasphemous answer made
against the treatrise of the crosse (1506)
Martin, Gregory (1540-1582). [A] discoverie of manifold corruptions of
the holy scriptures by the heretikes of our daies, specially the
English sectaries, and of their soule dealing herein, by partial and
false translations to the advantage of their heresies, in their
English Bible used and autorised since the time of the schisme (1582)
N., C. (15..-16..?) (écrivain anglais). Our ladie hath a new
sonne... (1595)
Osório, Jerôme. [A] learned and very eloquent treatie, writen in latin
by the famouse man Hieronymus Osorius,... (1568)
Parsons, Robert. [A] brief censure uppon two books written in answere
to M. Edmonde Campions offer of disputation (1581)
Parsons, Robert. [A] brief discours contaying certayne reasons why
Catholiques refuse to goe to church (1580)
Parsons, Robert. [A] conference about the next succession to crowne in
Ingland... (1594)
Parsons, Robert. [A] deference of the censure gyuen upon two bookes of
William Charke and Meredith Hanmer...against E[dmund]
Campian... (1582)
Parsons, Robert. [A] discovery of I. Nicols, minister, misreported a
iesuite latelye recanted in the tower of London ([1565?])
Pierre Canisius (saint). Ane cathechisme or short instruction of
Christain religion drawen out of the scripturs and ancient doctours
compyled be the godlie and lerned father Peter Capisius doctour en
theologie (1588)
Pierre Canisius (saint). Certayne necessarie principes of religion,
witch may be intituled, a cathechisme conteyning all the partes of the
Christian and the Catholique fayth ([1578-1579])
Pinelli, Luca. Breife meditations of the most holy sacrament and of
preparation, for receving the same, and of some other thinges
apertaining to the greatnes and devotion of so worthy a misterie
Pointz, Robert. Testimonies for the real presence of Christes body and
blood in the blessed sacrement... (1566)
Pole, Reginald. [A] treatie of justification, founde emong the
writinges of Cardinal Pole,... (1569)
Possevino, Antonio. [A] treatrise of the holy sacrifice of the altar,
called the masse (1570)
Puttenham, George. [The] arte of english poesie (1589)
Rainolds, William. [A] refutation of sundry reprehensions, cavils, and
false fleightes, by wich M. Whitaker laboureth to deface the late
English translation and Catholike annotations of the New Testament,
and the booke of discovery of heretical corruptions (1583)
Rainolds, William. [A] refutation of sundry reprehensions, cavils, and
falses sleigthes, by M. Whitaker laboureth to deface the late english
translation, and Catholike annotations of the New Testament, and the
books of discovery of heretical corruptions (1583)
Reinolde, R.. A booke called the foundacion of rhetorike (1563)
Sanders, Nicolas. [A] briefe treatise of usurie (1568)
Sanders, Nicolas. [A] treatise of the images of Christ, and of his
Saints (1567)
Sanders, Nicolas . [The] rocke of the church wherein the primacy of
S. Peter and his successours the bishops of Rome is proved out of Gods
worde (1567)
Sanders, Nicolas. [The] supper of our Lord set foorth according to the
truth of the gospell and catholike faith (1566)
Sherry, Richard. [A] treatise of schemes and tropes (1550)
Southwell, Robert (1561-1595). [A] short rule of good life ([1595?]).
Southwell, Robert (1561-1595). [An] epistle of comfort, to the
reverend priestes, & to the honorable, worshipful, & other of the laye
sort retrayned in durance for the Catholicke fayth ([1587?])
Southwell, Robert (1561-1595). [An] humble supplication to her
majestie (1595)
Stapleton, Thomas. [A] counterblast to M. Hornes Vayne blaste against
M. Fekenham... (1567)
Turner, William (1508?-1568). [The] first and second partes of the
herbal (1568)
Tyrie, James. [The] refutation of ane answer made be Schir Ione Knox,
to ane letter, send be James Tyrie, to his vmquhyle brother (1573)
Vaux, Laurence. [A] cathechisme or Christian doctrine, necessary for
children and ignorant people (1599)
Wilson, Thomas (1525?-1581). [The] arte of rhetorique, for the use of
all suche as are studious of eloquence, sette forth in English (1553)
Wright, Leonard. [A] summons for sleepers (1596)
[The] copies of certain discourses, which were exorted from diuers (1601)
Becanus, Martinus. [A] defence of the roman church (1612)
Burton, Robert (1577-1640). [The] anatomy of melancholy (1638)
Digby, Kenelm (1603-1665). A discourse concerning infallibility in
religion (1652)
Fisher, John (1459-1535). [A] treatise of prayer and of the fruits and
manner of prayer (1640)
Hamilton, John (15..-1609?) (théologien anti-protestant). [A] facile
traictise, contenand first: ane infallible reul to discer, ne trew
from fals religion, nixt, a declaration of the nature, number, vertew
& effects of the sacrements, togiter with certaine prayeres of
devotion (1600)
Montaigne, Michel de. [The] essayes or morall, politike and militarie
discourses ([1603])
Parkinson, John. Paradisi in paradisus terrestris (1629)
Parkinson, John. Theatrum botanicum. [1] (1640)
Parkinson, John. Theatrum botanicum. [2] (1640)
Roper, William. [The] mirrour of vertue in wordly greatnes, ot The
life of Sir Thomas More, knight, sometime Lo. Chancellour of England
Simon Stock (carme déchaussé). [The] practise how to find ease, rest,
repose, content, and happiness (1619)
Van Helmont, Jan Baptist. "Deliramenta Catarrhi" ot The incongruities,
impossibilities, and absurdities couched under the vulgar opinion of
defluxions (1624)
Victor de Vita. [The] memorable and tragical history, of the
persecution in Africke (1605)
Welwod, William. An abridgement of all sea-lawes (1613)
Wilkins, John (1614-1672). [The] discovery of a world in the moone
[sic] (1638)
- Early
English printing : a series of facsimiles of all the types used in England during the XVth century, with some of those used in the printing of English books abroad / with an introd. by E. Gordon Duff
- The
chronicle of England / by John Capgrave ; ed. by the Rev. Francis Charles Hingeston
- Liber
custumarum : compiled in the early part of the fourteenth century : with extracts from the cottonian ms. Claudius, D. II. Part I / ed. by Henry Thomas Riley
- Liber
custumarum : compiled in the early part of the fourteenth century : with extracts from the cottonian ms. Claudius, D. II. Part II / ed. by Henry Thomas Riley,...
- Liber
albus : compiled a.d. 1419 / ed. by Henry Thomas Riley,...
- Liber
albus, translation of the Anglo-norman passages, with glossaries, appendices, and index / ed. by Henry Thomas Riley
- Political
poems and songs relating to English history, composed during the period from the accession of Edw. III to that of Ric. III . Vol. I / ed. by Thomas Wright,...
- Political
poems and songs relating to English history, composed during the period from the accession of Edw. III to that of Ric. III . Vol. II / ed. by Thomas Wright,...
- Political
poems and songs relating to English history, composed during the period from the accession of Edw. III to that of Ric. III . Vol. III / ed. by Thomas Wright,...
- Letters
and papers illustrative of the wars of the English in France during the reign of Henry the sixth, king of England . Vol. I / ed. by the Rev. Joseph Stevenson,...
- Letters
and papers illustrative of the wars of the English in France during the reign of Henry the sixth, king of England . Vol. II, Part I / ed. by the Rev. Joseph Stevenson,...
- Letters
and papers illustrative of the wars of the English in France during the reign of Henry the sixth, king of England . Vol. II, Part II / ed. by the Rev. Joseph Stevenson,...
- Thomae
Walsingham, quondam monachi S. Albani, historia anglicana . Vol. I, A. D. 1272-1381 / ed. by Henry Thomas Riley,...
- Thomae
Walsingham, quondam monachi S. Albani, historia anglicana . Vol. II, A. D. 1381-1422 / ed. by Henry Thomas Riley,...
- Year
books of the reign of king Edward the Third . [3] / ed. and transl. by Luke Owen Pike,...
- Year
books of the reign of king Edward the Third . [5], Years XIV and XV / ed. and transl. by Luke Owen Pike,...
- Year
books of the reign of king Edward the Third . [6], Year XV / ed. and transl. by Luke Owen Pike,...
- Year
books of the reign of king Edward the Third . [8], Year XVI. Second part / ed. and transl. by Luke Owen Pike,...
- Year
books of the reign of king Edward the Third . [13], Year XIX / ed. and transl. by Luke Owen Pike,...
- Narratives
of the expulsion of the English from Normandy, CCCC.XLIX.-M.CCCC.L. / ed. from manuscripts in the Imperial Library at Paris by the Rev. Joseph Stevenson,...
- Polychronicon
Ranulphi Higden monachi Cestrensis . Vol. II / together with the English translations of John Trevisa and of an unknown writer of the fifteenth century ; ed. by Churchill Babington,...
- Polychronicon
Ranulphi Higden monachi Cestrensis . Vol. III / together with the English translations of John Trevisa and of an unknown writer of the fifteenth century ; ed. by Rev. Joseph Rawson Lumby,...
- Polychronicon
Ranulphi Higden monachi Cestrensis . Vol. IV / together with the English translations of John Trevisa and of an unknown writer of the fifteenth century ; ed. by Rev. Joseph Rawson Lumby,...
- Polychronicon
Ranulphi Higden monachi Cestrensis . Vol. VI / together with the English translations of John Trevisa and of an unknown writer of the fifteenth century ; ed. by Rev. Joseph Rawson Lumby,...
- Polychronicon
Ranulphi Higden monachi Cestrensis . Vol. VII / together with the English translations of John Trevisa and of an unknown writer of the fifteenth century ; ed. by Rev. Joseph Rawson Lumby,...
- Polychronicon
Ranulphi Higden monachi Cestrensis . Vol. VIII / together with the English translations of John Trevisa and of an unknown writer of the fifteenth century ; ed. by Rev. Joseph Rawson Lumby,...
- Polychronicon
Ranulphi Higden monachi Cestrensis . Vol. IX, Containing a continuation of the Polychronicon by Johannes Malverne / together with the English translations of John Trevisa and of an unknown writer of the fifteenth century ; ed. by Rev. Joseph Rawson Lumby,...
- Matthaei
Parisiensis, monachi Sancti Albani, Chronica majora . Vol. VI, Addimenta / ed. by Henry Richards Luard,...
- The
history of the English : from A. C. 55 to A. D. 1154, in eight books / by Henry, archdeacon of Huntingdon ; ed. by Thomas Arnold,...
- Registrum
epistolarum fratris Johannis Peckham, archiepiscopi cantuariensis . Vol. I / ed. by Charles Trice Martin,...
- Registrum
epistolarum fratris Johannis Peckham, archiepiscopi cantuariensis . Vol. II / ed. by Charles Trice Martin,...
- A
discoverie of manifold corruptions of the holy scriptures by the heretikes of our daies, specially the English sectaries, and of their soule dealing herein, by partial and false translations to the advantage of their heresies, in their English Bible used and autoris\ed since the time of the schisme / by Gregory Martin, 1582
- A
refutation of sundry reprehensions, cavils, and falses sleigthes, by M. Whitaker laboureth to deface the late english translation, and Catholike annotations of the New Testament, and the books of discovery of heretical corruptions / by William Rainolds, 1583
- A
reioindre to M. Iewels replie against the sacrifice of the masse... / By Thomas Harding,..., 1580
- An
apologie and true declaration of the institution and endevous of the two English colleges, the one in Rome, the other now resident in Rhemes, against certaine sinister information given up against the same, 1581
- A
detection of sundrie foules errours, lies, sclauders, corruptions, and other false dealings : touchig doctrine, and other matters, uttered and practized by M. Jewel, in a booke lately by him set foorth entituled "A defense of the apologie" &c. / by Thomas Harding,..., 1568
- A
refutation of sundry reprehensions, cavils, and false fleightes, by wich M. Whitaker laboureth to deface the late English translation and Catholike annotations of the New Testament, and the booke of discovery of heretical corruptions / by William Rainolds,..., 1583
- The
New Testament of Jesus Christ, translated faithfully into English, out of the authentical Latin, according to the best corrected copies of the same... with arguments of bookes and chapers, annotations, and other necessarie helpes... / in the English College of Rhemes, 1582
- A
counterblast to M. Hornes Vayne blaste against M. Fekenham... / by Thomas Stapleton,..., 1567
- A
learned and very eloquent treatie, writen in latin by the famouse man Hieronymus Osorius,... : wherein he confuteth a certayne aunswere made by M. Walter Haddon against the epistle of the said bishoppe unto the queenos majestie / translated into english by John Fen,..., 1568
- A
treatrise of the holy sacrifice of the altar, called the masse / [Antonio Possevino] ; transl. out of Italian into English, by Thomas Butler,..., 1570
- A
treatise of prayer and of the fruits and manner of prayer / by the most Reverend Father in God John Fisher ; translated into english by R. A. B., 1640
- The
essayes or morall, politike and militarie discourses / of Lo. Michaell de Montaigne,... ; new done into english by John Florio, 1603
- The
english secretary or Methode of writing of epistles and letters : with a declaration of such tropes, figures, and schemes, as either visually or for ornament sake are therin required, also the parts and office of a secretorie, now newly revised and in many parts cor\rected and amended by Angel Day, 1599
- The
artes of logike and rethorike, plainlie set foorth in the english tounge, easie to be learned and practised : togither with examples for the practice of the fame for methode, in the governement of the familie, prescribedin the word of God ; and for the whole in the \revolution or opening of certayne partes of scripture, according to he fame / D. Fenner, 1584
- The
Arcadian rhetorike or The praecepts of rhetorike made plaine by examples, greeke, latin, english, italian, french, spanish out of / by Abraham Fraunce, 1588
- The
arte of english poesie : contriued into three books, the first of poets and poesie, the second of proportion, the third of ornament / by G. Puttenham, 1589
- The
arte of rhetorique, for the use of all suche as are studious of eloquence, sette forth in English / by Thomas Wilson, 1553
- Fighting
instructions : 1530-1813 : edited, with elucidations from contemporary authorities, by Julian S. Corbett,...
- Syllabus
(in english) of the documents relating to England and other kingdoms contained in the collection known as "Rymer's foedera" . Vol. I, 1066-1377 / by Thomas Duffus Hardy,...
- Syllabus
(in english) of the documents relating to England and other kingdoms contained in the collection known as "Rymer's foedera" . Vol. II, 1377-1654 / by Thomas Duffus Hardy,...
- Syllabus
in English of Rymer's Foedera . Vol. III, Appendix and index / ed. by Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy,...
- Paradisi
in paradisus terrestris a garden of all sorts of pleasant flowers which our English ayre will permit to be noursed up a kitchen garden of all manner of herbes rootes fruites for meate or sauce used with cus and an orchard of all sorte of fruitbearing trees and shrubbes fit for our land together with the right orderinge planting preserving of them and their uses vertues collected by John Parkinson, 1624
- A
new herbal or Historie of plants... / by that learned D. Rembert Dodoens,... ; and now first translated out of french into english by Henry Lyte, 1619
- Suggest a new book
- A
spirituall doctrine, conteining a rule to live wel, with divers paiers and meditations / Luis de Granada, 1599
- Of
prayer, and meditation / written in the spanische tongue by the
famous religious father, F. Luis de Granada,...Wherein are conteined
fouvertien devovte meditations for the seven daies of the weeke, both
of the morninges, and eveninges : and in them is treyed of the
consideration of the principal holie mysteries of our faithe, 1582
- A
briefe treatise of usurie / made by Nicolas Sander,... 1568
- A
treatise made in defense of the lauful power and authoritie of
priesthod to remitte sinnes : of the peoples duetie for confession of
their sinnes to Gods ministers : and of the churches meaning
concerning indulgences, commonly called the Popes Pardons / by William
Allen,..., 1567
- Monumenta
franciscana : being a further collection of original documents
respecting the Franciscan order in England. Vol. II / ed. by Richard
- A
short treatise of the sacrement of penaunce / [Vincenzo Bruno], 1597
- A
treatise with a kalendar, and the proofesthereof, concerning the
holy-daies in England / [I. B.], 1598
- A
treatise of schisme... / Martin Gregory, 1578
- A
treatise of the images of Christ, and of his Saints : and that it is
unlauful to breake them, and lauful to honour them : with a
confutation of such false doctrine as M. Jewel hath uttered in his
replie, concerning that matter / made by Nicolas Sander,..., 1567
- A
treatise of schemes and tropes / by R. Sherry,..., 1550
- The
exercice of a Christian life / written in italian by the Reverend
Father Gaspar Loarte D. of Divinitie,... ; And newly translated into
englishe by I.S., 1581?
- The
preacher, or Methode of preaching / N. Hemmingsen,..., 1574
- A
conference about the next succession to crowne in Ingland... / by R. Doleman, 1594
- A
counterblast to M. Hornes Vayne blaste against M. Fekenham... / by Thomas Stapleton,... , 1567
- The
rocke of the church wherein the primacy of S. Peter and his
successours the bishops of Rome is proved out of Gods worde / by
Nicolas Sander, 1567
- Liber
aggregatus in medicinis simplicibus ; Galen, de virtute centaureae / Joannes S, 1473
- Breviarium
medicinae. 1 / Joannes S, 1479
- Suggest a new book
Several books; search with "Francis Bacon".
Search under "Fuchs" to find them.
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